
How To Connect To Ssh On Windows

How to Connect to Web Server Over SSH with Private/Public Keys Using PuTTY on Windows

Knowing how to connect to your website over SSH authenticating with Public/Private Key pairing is a great skill. Authenticating and working on your website over SSH is more secure since your connection is encrypted.

Too, with SSH you will exist able to perform some absurd tasks not bachelor to y'all over a graphical interface. And you will practise them much faster.

That's why some content management systems offer command line interface to their users. Like, for example, WP-CLI for WordPress or Drush for Drupal.

In this tutorial, yous volition acquire how to connect to your spider web server over SSH with the Public/Individual Key pairing using Windows complimentary SSH client PuTTY.

The process is simple. You begin by creating a Public/Private Central pair nether your web hosting control panel. You then motion to your own Windows box. To install and configure PuTTY.

You terminate the job past copying your Public Key from PuTTY into your server's authorized_key text file. That'south information technology. You are then gear up to connect with Public/Private cardinal pairing over SSH using PuTTY.

Note: this tutorial demonstrates how to create SSH connexion with PuTTY to a server hosted by SiteGround. If y'all host your site somewhere else, this process may not work for y'all. In such case, please consult your hosting Support documentation or Support staff.

Allow's get started.

Stride #1. Create Your Private SSH Key

  • In your CPanel click SSH/Shell Access

SSH/Shell Access in CPanel

  • You will run into the Generate new SSH key pair web course. Fill up in the First Name, Terminal Name, Email, Key Password and Password (Again)fields
  • Click Generate

Fill in the form and click Generate

In a few seconds, you lot will see The central has been successfully added! message.

  • Click Go Back

The key has been successfully added

You lot will encounter familiarGenerate new SSH cardinal pair folio. Your Private Central is displayed at the bottom of the page, in the Manage current keys section.

The keys created and displayed

Skilful chore! You just created your Private SSH Key. You will create your Public SSH key in a few minutes. For at present, let's movement from your spider web server to your reckoner.

Step #2. Install and Configure PuTTY

  • Download PuTTY from this site and install it on your Windows box.

In one case you lot installed it, you lot should see PuTTY and its tools displayed in your Windows Start menu.

PuTTY installed and displayed in Windows Start menu

  • Launch the PuTTYgen tool
  • Get back to your hosting CPanel > SSH/Shell Access
  • Click Private Cardinal

Click on the Private Key link

You will meet your SSH Private Key encrypted text displayed in a text box.

  • Re-create information technology into your clipboard

Copy your private key into clipboard

  • Open Windows Notepad
  • Paste the Private Key text into it
  • Salvage the file as my_private_key.ppk to your Windows Desktop

Save the file as my_private_key.ppk

  • Go back to PuTTYgen
  • Click File > Load private central

Go File > Load private key

PuTTYgen will open the Load individual key box.

  1. Select my_private_key.ppk file from your Desktop
  2. Click Open

Select my_private_key file and click Open

You will run across the PuTTYgen: Enter Passphrase prompt box.

PuTTYgen: Enter Passphrase prompt box

  • Enter into the box the same passphrase, you lot entered when you were creating your Private key in your CPanel a few minute ago
  • Click OK

PuTTYgen will display Successfully imported strange central find.

PuTTYgen notice about successfully imported key

  • Click OK to close the Discover
  • Click Save private key

Click the Save private key button

You volition come across the Save private key as: box with my_private_key.ppk file in it.

The "Save private key as:" box

  • Ignore my_private_key.ppk file. Type in my_putty.ppk into the File name: field
  • Click Save

Enter my_putty.ppk and click Save

You will see PuTTY Cardinal Generator interface.

  • Select the Public key text displayed within the Publc key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file: box
  • Copy the Public fundamental into your clipboard

Select and copy the public key

  • Become back to your hosting CPanel > SSH/Crush Access
  • In the Upload SSH key department paste the Public key yous but copied into the Public Key (DSA or RSA bigger than 2048 bits but): text area
  • Click Upload

Paste in the public key

You will run into The key you lot uploaded has been successfully added to your account! message.

  • Click Go Dorsum

The public key has been successfully uploaded

  • From your Window Showtime menu launchPageant

Launch Pageant

  • Click Add Cardinal

Click the Add Key button

Yous will see familiar Select Individual Key File box.

  1. Select my_putty.ppk file
  2. Click Open

Select my_putty.ppk file and click the Open button

You volition see the Pageant: Enter passphrase prompt box.

  • Enter the passphrase you entered creating your Private key at the beginning of this procedure
  • Click OK

Enter your passphrase and click OK

You will now run into the key listed inside the Pageant Key Listing.

The key has been listed

  • Shut thisPageant window

Excellent! You are now all gear up to run an SSH connection to your web server with Public/Individual keys using PuTTY.

Step #3. Connect to Your Site over SSH with PuTTY

  • From your Windows Start menu launch PuTTY

Launch PuTTY

Yous will meet PuTTY Configuration window.

  • Click Session
  • Enter <your hosting username>@<your_site_domain> into the Host name (or IP accost) field. Make sure in the Connection blazon: section the SSH radio push button is selected

Enter your username@domain

  • Under the Connectedness tab, click on the + sign next to SSH

Click on the plus sign next to the SSH

  • Click Auth

Click on the Auth

Y'all volition see the Options decision-making SSH authentication window.

  • Click Browse

Click the Browse button

You lot will encounter the Select private fundamental file window.

  1. Select my_putty.ppk file
  2. Click Open

Select my_putty.ppk file and click the Open button

  • Click Open once over again

Click the Open button

Yous will at present run into the PuTTY control line terminal, resembling the one in the image beneath.

You will see PuTTY command line terminal

Congratulations! You lot simply connected from your Windows box to your web server over SSH with Public/Private Key pairing using PuTTY SSH client.

  • Alex Smirnov

    Built-in from Ukrainian mother and Russian male parent, Alex migrated to the United kingdom in 1999. He is a self-taught Microsoft Certified Professional. He enjoys learning content management systems and helping web site developers make the most of them.

How To Connect To Ssh On Windows,


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